Located in an elevated disaster-resistant area
A strong supporting base with no danger of liquefaction
TP (Tokyo Bay Mean Sea Level) 29.5m flood control level
The Meguro Station area is located on the flat surface of the eastern area of the Musashino Plateau, 29m above sea level. It is built on comparatively high-strength stable soil called the Kanto loam layer.

Foundation structure conceptual diagram
Power supply and supply range in the event of a power outage
The building employs a highly reliable extra high voltage (22kV) two-line receiving system. In times of emergency, transmission is conducted through cogeneration equipment fueled by medium pressure gas and an emergency generator with an oil tank.

Damping structure
The earthquake resistance level is approximately 1.5 times that of the level in the Building Standards Act.
By using the pile foundation method in which the load of the building is directly applied to favorable ground, the building has a resistance capacity approximately 1.5 times that of the standard for structural calculation stipulated in the Building Standards Act.
A seismic control structure that suppresses earthquake vibrations.
The building is a seismic control structure, with a buckling stiffening vibration control brace and viscous damping wall, which control the vibrations during an earthquake. It has high earthquake resistance capacity, which has received ministerial approval.